Sara Young brings art to people.
Sara Young brings people to art.

The purpose of this website is to direct you to the things Sara Young has made and written over the course of the past twenty or so years, as well as the stuff she is working on now. It contains installations, paintings, sculpture, and blog projects. Don't worry, it's not everything. Just the stuff that has meaning.
As of 1/2024, Sara is creating and installing Bellingham Pollinator interactive installations all over Bellingham, WA. You can check it out on Instagram, Substack, and here.
After much planning Sara has created online classes so that she can share her life and art lessons with the wider world. Interested in learning more about yourself through a unique and engaging creative practice? You can take your first steps into a larger world here.
As of 1/2024, Sara is creating and installing Bellingham Pollinator interactive installations all over Bellingham, WA. You can check it out on Instagram, Substack, and here.
After much planning Sara has created online classes so that she can share her life and art lessons with the wider world. Interested in learning more about yourself through a unique and engaging creative practice? You can take your first steps into a larger world here.
Funds Raised.
As of 08/2024, I started raising money for two organizations: Homes Now, and Kingdom Junior School in Uganda. I put aside 10% of each sale I make in my store for each organization, AND, I have a special section of items that I will donate half of the purchase price to Homes Now. Head on over to my on line store and see if there is anything there you might want to buy, and help some very good people in the process.
So far:
Homes Now: $1800
Kingdom Junior School: $2100
So far:
Homes Now: $1800
Kingdom Junior School: $2100